ME Me me .....
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All Me
This would be the ideal place for me to tell you about, well me.. I didn't really have much to say..but then I sat down and thought about it, being blonde this was a long sit down... Here's what I got!

Hmm the pic on your right will change soon, but for now i'm sure it will make some people laugh.

My Life and Other Stuff..
For starters... me name.. it's Claire Louise Bonner.. I was born in Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Bedfordshire at 5:38pm on Thursday 16th April 1981. I weighed 6lbs 15ozs and I was 18" tall, only a little bundle..

I am 20 years of age.. as if you couldn't work it out from my date of birth, I live in Houghton Regis which is near Luton.
I have blue/grey eyes, my hair is blonde (natural - so not too many jokes), I have a slim figure(size 8 - 10) and I'm around 5' 7" tall. I've had my ears pierced twice and my belly button is pierced too. I have two tattoos at the moment, a chinese symbol for 'love' on the upper part of my right arm, which I got in April 2000, the other one is of a sea horse and is on the base of my spine, I got this in December 2000. I hear you saying 'ouch', well yes.. bloody nerve endings.

I'm not at Uni or College as I've decided that I can't be arsed with that sh!t, but I took 3 years to work that out at Luton Sixth Form College, so I've got a load of qualifications in Word Processing, and also done A-Levels in Biology, Math 'n' Stats, Textiles 'n' Fashion and also Psychology (no I can't figure your brain out).

Me Family.. confused?.. you will be..
A Bit hard to explain, so here's the basic idea.

Parents: My Dad, Gerry Bonner and my Mum, Rosemary Robins (previously Bonner). I have a step-dad Mark Robins, who I love and treat as a real Dad, cos he is sometimes.

Siblings: (bro's and sis' incase you don't know). I have an older sister of 22, Kim Bonner, I wish her all the best in the future and hope that Mark is in everything that she does, cos he makes her really happy. I have a younger brother of 16, Colin Bonner, nothing really to say about him. I have a step-sister of 12, Kelly-Anne Robins and I have a half-sister of 5, Tanith Robins (Yes I know, unusual name), what can I say about her?... Love ya loads Darling, I'll always be here for you.

Well that's family, what about pets?
Here we go.... We had a dog named Daisy, but she was put-down about 9 years ago because of cancer, I'll always miss her. We also had a cat named Bootsie (why that name?? - she used to hit the dog on the nose, so the name came from the saying 'bossy boots'),she was a stray that we all ended up loving, so we kept her but she died about 5 years ago thru old age, she'll never be replaced. At one point we had some goldfish, not quite sure what really happened to them, but I know the cat ate some, hehe... nevermind.
My Dad has got a BIG fish tank in his living room, that has a load of tropical fish. My Mum got a new dog called Hannah, complete nutter, bit like me... She's a big dog that thinks she belongs on people's lap's???? She don't take a liking to strange men (oh well thats most of the male population then, hehe). It's funny when someone rings the doorbell cos when she barks they walk out of the garden and wait behind the gate.. But she wouldn't hurt a fly really. I've now got two little kittens, one called Pebbles and one called Tigger.

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