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C4RSA Face Lift

Chameleon  Automotive Project Cars



Links to my Fav Places

A few of my Favorite places to visit!!

The best place for custom car mods is Chameleon Automotive.. I'm not being biased.. they are dead cheap... and have a really cool bodyshop.

Chameleon Automotive I know, them again, but they're good.. OK!
Corsasport The Bestest site in the world for all things Corsalike
Vauxhall Performance Car Club Vauxhall Car Club.. what else can I say?.. Nice T-Shirts
Auto-Extreme Excellent modded car site, a few Chameleon Automotive cars on there, amongst other things, lotsa corsas!!

Other Places I like to Live in
Piggin's All about model Pigs.. there sooo cute!

ICQ Chatting community type place... check my contacts for my user number